Inscripción: Hasta el 23 de diciembre de 2011 y del 7 al 10 de febrero de 2012
Cursada: 13 al 17 de febrero de 2012
Ver información importante para la inscripción
1) Título: Creating Interactive Whiteboard Lessons
Capacitador: Gonzalo Rosetti
Sede: CePA Central (Av. Santa Fe 4360)
Horario: 18-22:30hs
Población Docente
Do you know what an interactive whiteboard is? What would you use it for? How would you use it as a teaching tool in the classroom? These and other queries will be addressed in the course. Participants will learn to use the interactive whiteboard and its multimedia resources in order to design teaching sequences to enhance language learning in the EFL classroom.
2) Título: MORE Effective Teaching to ensure MORE Effective Learning
Capacitador: Paola Danesi.
Sede: D.E. 7 Caballito (Av. Rivadavia 4817)
Horario: 8:30- 13hs.
Teaching young learners is an exciting, dynamic, challenging and ongoing process. Before another school year starts, it is the moment to reflect about our own practice. The aim of this course is to look into the most problematic areas of teaching learners in primary school and find the most suitable tools and resources to reach all our students in order to lay a more solid foundation in their learning process.
3)Título: Teaching English through Games
Capacitadora: Daniela Varone.
Horario: 13:30-18hs
Sede: D.E. 18 Monte Castro (Cervantes 1911)
Población Docente
Consultas al (011) 4772-4028 interno 105
Más información
Escuela de Capacitación Docente - Centro de Pedagogías de Anticipación
Av. Santa Fe 4360 5º piso. Teléfonos: 4772-4028 / 4039 / 3768 cepa@buenosaires.edu.ar
Av. Santa Fe 4360 5º piso. Teléfonos: 4772-4028 / 4039 / 3768 cepa@buenosaires.edu.ar
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