- Dirección Operativa de Lenguas Extranjeras, dependiente de la Dirección General de Planeamiento Educativo, Ministerio de Educación, CABA www.buenosaires.gob.ar/areas/educacion/niveles/idiomas
- Comisión Fulbright http://fulbright.edu.ar
- Escuela Normal Superior N° 1 en Lenguas Vivas “Pte Roque Saenz Peña” http://ens1de1.buenosaires.edu.ar
Encuentros abiertos a todos/as los/as docentes de idiomas y estudiantes de Profesorados en idiomas (sin restricciones).
Nota: Las sesiones a cargo de visitantes de Cooperación Internacional son dictadas en su lengua nativa, en este caso el idioma inglés, y todos los docentes de lenguas que lo comprendan son bienvenidos a participar.
Ciclo de encuentros: Intercambio de experiencias en el aula ('Education Exchange')

Por tercer año consecutivo la Escuela Normal Superior N° 1 en Lenguas Vivas “Pte. Roque Sáenz Peña” ofrece un ciclo de sesiones de desarrollo profesional para la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras, en esta oportunidad con las docentes becarias del Ministerio de Educación G.C.A.B.A. y Comisión Fulbright, Marina Wagemaker y Jennifer Abbate.
Marina Wagemaker is a Fulbright scholar in Buenos Aires working with elementary English teachers in the BA public school system until July 2014. Marina is from North Carolina, United States. She graduated from the University of North Carolina Greensboro with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. Marina has been an English teacher in Mexico and South Korea. She has taught 2nd grade in North Carolina and is currently a Spanish teacher to PreK - 5th grade students. Marina has led professional development in the US for ‘Discovery Education’.
Jennifer Abbate is a 2014 Fulbright Scholar teaching English in public schools in the city of Buenos Aires. Jennifer has been a bilingual teacher for seven years in public and private schools in New York and California. Jennifer has a Masters degree in Bilingual Education from Columbia University, as well as a Bachelors degree in Spanish Language and Culture from the State University of New York. Jennifer's interests and expertise include: whole brain teaching and learning, reading comprehension and fluency, writer's workshop, and diversity and inclusivity training.
“Thinking maps: 'What are they and how to use them'”
Fecha: martes 6 de mayo - Horario: 13.00 a 14.30 hs.
Resumen: In this session you will learn about eight research-based thinking maps, which can be used to teach any concept in any language. Each map is linked to a specific thought process. By connecting a concrete visual design with a specific abstract-thought process, students create mental visual patterns for thinking. Using thinking maps in the classroom help promote: learner-centered and collaborative learning, concept development, reflective thinking, creativity, clarity of communication, and continuous cognitive development.
Fecha: martes 6 de mayo - Horario: 13.00 a 14.30 hs.
Resumen: In this session you will learn about eight research-based thinking maps, which can be used to teach any concept in any language. Each map is linked to a specific thought process. By connecting a concrete visual design with a specific abstract-thought process, students create mental visual patterns for thinking. Using thinking maps in the classroom help promote: learner-centered and collaborative learning, concept development, reflective thinking, creativity, clarity of communication, and continuous cognitive development.
Encuentro 2: “Recordable Books”
Fecha: jueves 8 de mayo - Horario: 13.00 a 14.30 hs.
Resumen: In this session you will learn about an activity that can be used to improve oral reading fluency. Through this activity, students will be able to practice their expression and volume, phrasing, smoothness, and pace. You will leave this session knowing how to implement this project with your students in your own classroom.
Encuentro 3: “Engaging Classroom Games”
Fecha: martes 13 de mayo - Horario: 13.00 a 14.30 hs.
Resumen: In this session you will learn about different games that you can implement in your classroom to increase student engagement. The examples will be presented and modeled for using in an English class, but the games can be adapted for any language.
Lugar (las 3 sesiones)
Escuela Normal Superior N° 1 en Lenguas Vivas “Pte Roque Saenz Peña”
Av. Córdoba 1951, CABA
Salón Máxima Lupo, Planta Baja
Se otorgan constancias de asistencia
Consultas: idiomas@buenosaires.gob.ar
Dirección Operativa de Lenguas Extranjeras
Ministerio de Educación, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Esmeralda 55 Piso 8º contrafrente
C1035ABA Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Telefax: 4339-1869
Looking forward for tomorrow's session!!!
ResponderEliminarI can`t find the handout of today`s session
ResponderEliminarI can`t find the handout of today`s session
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