13 jul 2011

CePA: Cursos regulares del 2do cuatrimestre de 2011

Inscripción del 1º de julio al 12 de agosto.
Los cursos comienzan en la semana del 16 de agosto.
Los cursos regulares están destinados a docentes en ejercicio y a inscriptos para trabajar en los establecimientos que se encuentran en la órbita del Ministerio de Educación del Gobierno de la Ciudad. La inscripción se realiza en la sede del curso elegido.


1) Título: Great text-pectations!
Capacitador: Alberto Longobardi
Día y horario: Viernes 18-21hs.
Sede: CePA central
Población Docente/ Profesores de Inglés
Abstract:Varied though students’ expectations may be, they usually converge at one point:the desire to become more accurate.
In this course you are going to be reading great texts that will provide a springboard to linguistic success. Not only are you going to learn vocabulary, you are also going to revise advanced grammar. Last but not least, you are going to use language meaningfully, interacting with classmates whose views are bound to enrich your own and enlighten you.

2) Título: Creating TELL lessons
Capacitador: Gonzalo Rosetti
Día y horario: Miércoles 18-21hs
Población Docente/ Profesores de Inglés
Sede: CePA central
Abstract: Have you heard about TELL? Have you ever wondered what e-learning is? Do you think that technology and learning are a match made in heaven? How can you use digital technology to enhance learning?
in These and other queries will be addressed in the course. Participants will explore different possibilities to incorporate digital technology as an invisible tool in the EFL classroom. This workshop offers hands-on experience to create, adopt and adapt digital resources order to design TELL (technology enhanced language learning) lessons.

3) Título: How to Teach English to Pre-teens, Teenagers and Adults from a Social Constructivist Perspective.
Capacitador: Mady Casco.
Día y horario: Martes 18-21hs
Sede: CePA Central
Población Docente/ Profesores de Inglés
Abstract: The main objective of this course is to analyse the most relevant characteristics of pre-teens, teenagers and adults when learning English as a foreign language and study the different approaches and strategies that work with these learners. Furthermore, we will discuss key concepts such as “The critical period” and “The language ego” and the functioning of the teen brain.

4) Título: Can English be learnt from written texts? Strategies to scaffold both written and oral production.
Capacitador: Adriana Adem SEMI-PRESENCIAL
Día y horario: Sábados
Sede: D.E. 7 Caballito
Media /Profesores de Inglés
Abstract: We will be examining the processes involved in understanding texts so that the information provided by the text –both in terms of the form and the content- can be used productively in the creation of new texts. Making readers participate more actively in the comprehension process can help retention and hence pave the way for production through the identification of productive patterns of the language and the vocabulary related to them.

5) Titulo: "Adaptação de materiais autênticos no ensino-aprendizagem de PLE: Como trabalhar a publicidade e a imprensa na aula de PLE?"
Capacitador: Sonia Dias Mendes
Día y horario: lunes 18-21hs
Sede: D.E. 7 Caballito
Población Docente/ Profesores de Potugués
Abstract:Partindo da reflexão e experiência docente dos formandos no uso de materiais autênticos como a publicidade e a imprensa, é objectivo deste curso trabalhar, por um lado, a fundamentação teórica que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento das competências comunicativas em língua e, por outro, produzir materiais didácticos destinados ao ensino-aprendizagem de Português Língua Estrangeira.

6) Título: English in Action: A Course on Teaching English through Drama.
Capacitador: Susan Hillyard
Día y horario: Jueves 18-21hs
Sede: Belgrano
Población docente/ Profesores de Inglés
Abstract: This course covers an introduction to Drama as a holistic methodology for a more effective way to teach the English language to young learners, including both primary and secondary. The emphasis is away from traditional transmission modes to an interactive mode where learners are motivated to DO and to SPEAK. Drama is used as an umbrella term to cover learning the language through games, songs, mime, gesture, puppets, stories, poems, videos, improvisation and role play.

Información importante para la Inscripción
Ver RESUMEN DE CONTENIDO de cada curso en
Cartilla completa online:
Zonas y Sedes CePA
Más información
Escuela de Capacitación Docente - Centro de Pedagogías de Anticipación
Av. Santa Fe 4360 5º piso. Teléfonos: 4772-4028 / 4039 / 3768

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