llamados English for the Games. Los mismos fueron diseñados para alumnos y docentes de inglés. Asimismo produjeron CDs de English for the Games que contienen planes de clases basados en 30 deportes de los Juegos Olímpicos y Paralímpicos. Ver ejemplo al pie.
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Ejemplo: Football:
When athletes come together from around the world to compete in the Olympic and Paralympic Games, they are fulfilling their dreams and competing at the highest level. Billions of people across the globe join in; watching, listening to and reading about the greatest global celebration of sport. To celebrate the London 2012 Games, the British Council is making a wide range of classroom resources available for learners of English worldwide. There are two football events at the Paralympics: 5-a-side and 7-a-side.
7-a-side football is played by athletes with cerebral palsy. The rules are very similar to 11-a-side football, with some modifications. have you ever seen a game of 7-a-side football?
Proyecto English for the Games
Proyecto English for the Games
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