6 jun 2012

Cursos intensivos de invierno CePA 2012: Subnúcleo Lenguas Extranjeras

Estos cursos comprenden una modalidad de capacitación intensiva de cinco días de duración con encuentros diarios de cuatro horas y media cada uno. Están destinados a docentes de todo el país y de todas las áreas de educación.
La inscripción es del 1 de junio al 13 de julio

Cursada: 16 al 20 de julio

La inscripción puede realizarse presentándose el primer día del curso, antes del horario de inicio, siempre que haya vacantes disponibles. 
Cómo inscribirse
La inscripción es personal y se efectúa en la sede de cursada. Se debe presentar original y copia de DNI, constancia de trabajo o fotocopia del formulario de inscripción a interinatos y suplencias, y completar un formulario que se entrega en la sede o se puede descargar de la web.

Horarios de cursada
Mañana de 8.30 a 13 hs
Tarde de 13.30 a 18 hs
Noche (solo en sede central CePA) de 18 a 22.30 hs

Título: Teaching English through games
Capacitadora: Daniela Varone
Horario: 13:30-18hs
Sede: 15, Villa Urquiza
Language learning is hard work… Effort is required to understand, produce and manipulate the target language. Well-chosen games are invaluable as they give students a break and at the same time encourage learners to sustain their interest and work. Games also help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is meaningful and useful. We will see how through playing games it is possible to learn a language as well as enjoy oneself at the same time.

Titulo: Teaching digital natives so they can learn.
Capacitador: Gonzalo  Rosetti
Horario: 18-22.30hs.
Sede: CePA Central
Se solicita que los participantes traigan sus netbooks y que tengan conocimientos de Word, Powerpoint e Internet.
Who are digital natives? How do digital natives prefer to learn?What is the model 1:1? What is b-learning and u-learning?  How can teachers enhance their classes with digital resources? These and other queries will be addressed in the workshop. Participants will explore different possibilities to incorporate digital technology as an invisible tool in the EFL classroom. 
This workshop offers hands-on experience to evaluate, adopt and adapt digital resources for the EFL class.

Título: Interrelations between Reading and Writing in the learning of English in school contexts.
Capacitadora: María Susana Gonzalez.
Horario: 8:30- 13hs.
Sede: 7, Caballito
Reading and Writing are two macroabilities that play an important role in the learning of English in school contexts. As these macroabilities are interrelated, teachers should develop materials taking both of them into account. In our school we have heterogeneous groups of students, therefore we have to provide different tasks with different texts for each group. The objective of this course is to discuss different theoretical approaches in order to reconsider our teaching strategies and develop materials that are interesting for the groups of students we work with.

Título: Technology in Action: the integration of iResources in the Language Learning Classroom.
Capacitadora: Sandra Goronas
Horario: 8:30- 13hs.
Sede: CePA Central
The integration of NTICs in the classroom activates creative processes. How can we, educators, become more comfortable with technology in the classroom? How can we integrate technology effectively? In this course we  will explore and highlight  different tools and resources to  enhance and  improve the   teaching- learning process.

Titulo: L’insegnamento dell’italiano: formazione ed azione.
Días y horarios: 23 al 26 de julio de 9 a 13 y de 14 a 19hs (50hs cátedra)
Sede: Asociación Dante Alighieri de Buenos Aires. Tucumán 1646, CABA
El curso abarcará tres áreas de formación: cultura, lengua y didáctica. Se abordarán temáticas relacionadas con la formación general del docente en las distintas áreas y se ofrecerán herramientas didácticas para el trabajo en el aula.

Consultas al (011) 4772-4028 interno 105
Más información
Escuela de Capacitación Docente - Centro de Pedagogías de Anticipación
Av. Santa Fe 4360 5º piso. Teléfonos: 4772-4028 / 4039 / 3768cepa@buenosaires.edu.ar

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