Inscripción: Hasta el 10 de agosto
Cursada: inicia en la semana del 13 de agosto
Cursada: inicia en la semana del 13 de agosto
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Requisitos de inscripción, sedes y modalidad de cursada [AQUI]
Consultas al (011) 4772-4028 interno 105
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- Título: Storytelling, games and narrative activities.
Capacitadora: Fabiana Parano
Horario: Miércoles 18-21hs.
Sede: Belgrano
Población Docente/ Profesores de Inglés
Abstract: In this workshop, we will work on concrete techniques to include Storytelling in the EFL classroom. Taking the story itself as a springboard, we will explore and experience several storytelling activities and narrative games that cater for diverse ages, levels and learning styles. Teachers will be able to create their own tool kit of strategies to put into practice before, during and after telling a story in class.
- Titulo: Getting beginner students to speak: multiple strategies from multiple sources.
Capacitadora: Adriana Adem- Mónica Gandolfo
Horario: Sábados 9-12hs. (Semi-presencial)
Sede 7 Caballito
Población Docente/ Profesores de Inglés
We will learn how to select texts from a variety of sources (audio, video, literature, etc.) to extract chunks that contain productive patterns that can be expanded into personally meaningful communication. We will show how this expansion can take different forms (free speech, dramatizations) depending on age, social and cultural characteristics of the group and the teaching/learning environment.
- Título: Another brick in the linguistic wall
Capacitador: Alberto Longobardi.
Horario: Lunes 18-21hs
Sede 9 Palermo
Población Docente/ Profesores de Inglés
Year after year, students lay bricks on a linguistic wall that they hope will stand erect and solid. However, for different cognitive reasons, some of those bricks sometimes fall off the wall, leaving holes of inaccuracy in it. In this course, you will be able to express your ideas on each chosen text in a learning environment characterized by “no thought control”. While doing so, you will be picking up the fallen grammatical bricks and placing them in your wall again.
- Título: Fostering the use of ICT in the English Classroom.
Capacitadora: Marcela Lococo
Horario: A distancia Jueves 18-21hs
Sede: Recoleta
Población Docente/ Profesores de Inglés
During the course we are going to analyse the “why’s” for the inclusión of ICT in the English class –advantages and disadvantages. Deal with “Blended Learning” as one of the possible ways to update and even transform foreign language teaching. Familiarize with ICT terminology. Introduce ICT resources, materials, apps and more. Guide teachers to choose good effective web sites. Help developing resources, tasks and activities for the English class.
- Titulo: From EFL teacher to EFL material designer in the “Word Processor” and “You Tube” Era.
Capacitadora: Mady Casco
Horario: Miércoles 18-21hs.
Sede: CePA Central
Población Docente/ Profesores de Inglés
In this course we will learn how to plan critically and creatively our lessons using the textbook as a springboard and not as a straightjacket. We will then, create our own material to supplement course books with the aid of word processors and other easy-to-use software (Paint, Power Point, Inspiration). Finally, we will end up by designing a complete topic-based project integrating resources downloadable from the internet and adaptable to different contexts.
Se requiere manejo básico de Windows y uso de Internet.
- Título: Motivating and reaching all students.
Capacitadoras: Esther Vázquez- Andrea Zúccaro
Horario: Jueves 18-21hs.
Sede: 7 Caballito.
Población Docente/ Profesores de Inglés
As teachers our biggest challenge is how to motivate and engage all our learners. This workshop introduces the principles of differentiation: a way of thinking about teaching and learning to reach all students through a collection of strategies and activities which are fun and highly enjoyable.
7. Título: Why use games to teach English?
Capacitadora: Daniela Varone
Horario: Martes 18-21hs.
Sede: Monte Castro
Población Docente /Profesores de Inglés
Language learning is a hard task... Constant effort is required to understand, produce and manipulate the target language. Well-chosen games are invaluable as they give students a break and at the same time allow students to practise language skills. Games are highly motivating since they are amusing and challeging. Games help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is meaningful and useful.
8. Título: Reflective Teaching
Capacitadora: Dayna House (Senior English Language Fellow del Departamento de Estado de EEUU)
Horario: miércoles 18-21hs.
Sede: Liniers, Murguiondo 76, C.A.B.A.
Población Docente/Profesores de Inglés
Abstract: Analyzes the teacher-student relationship (Teachers assumptions about teaching and learning as well as the Students’ assumptions about teaching and learning), the social dynamics within the group, factors that facilitate classroom management and motivating the students. We will learn about how to foster confidence between teacher and students in the English class. Contenidos: 1. Classroom Management, 2. Dealing with Large Classes – Cooperative Learning, 3. Dealing with students with Learning Disabilities, 4. Learning Styles, 5, Multiple intelligences, 6. Textbook Analysis, 7. Learning Strategies & Setting Goals, 8. Lesson Planning, 9. Evaluating lesson plans (ECRIF), 10. Testing and student’s self-assessment activities, 11. Peer Evaluation, 12. Professional Development, 13. Final Exam
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Más información:
Escuela de Capacitación Docente - Centro de Pedagogías de Anticipación
Av. Santa Fe 4360 5º piso. Teléfonos: 4772-4028 / 4039 /
Av. Santa Fe 4360 5º piso. Teléfonos: 4772-4028 / 4039 /
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