10 may 2013

Evento online sobre acentos británicos

Organiza: British Council

“It's Not What You Say, It's The Way That You Say It: The Power Of Accents In Twenty-First Century Britain”

Fecha: jueves 16 de mayo  1800 - 2030 BST

Con Helen Ashton and Sarah Shepherd

"It is impossible for an Englishman to open his mouth without making some other Englishman hate or despise him", George Bernard Shaw famously wrote in the preface to Pygmalion. One hundred years on, the accents in question have certainly changed, but have the sentiments? In 2013 Britain, the clipped vowels of the 'Queen's English' may no longer rule the radio waves (in fact, even the Queen herself has brought her accent up to date) but accents still shape the ways we think about other people and ourselves.What are the current attitudes shaping our linguistic landscape?

Accent & Dialect coaches and authors of Collins' Work on Your Accent, Sarah Shepherd and Helen Ashton will give you the chance to learn some of the techniques they use to help actors change their accent for a role. And will show you that the course of your life can be shaped not only by the way that you speak, but also by the way that you listen.

1815 - 1830 Inicio
1830 - 2000 It's not what you say, it's the way that you say it
2000 - 2010 Lanzamiento de investigación sobre acentos regionals británicos


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